This is a class that creates a bitmap (BMP) file the hard way, without using any API calls. It uses an array to store the bitmap information, and then writes it out. This class was designed for a specific project, where I needed 24-bit precision, on a system that couldn't support that, and also needed the ability to associate some random data with the image. It filled both of those needs, but not in the most efficient manner possible, so use it with caution.
'  Width
'  Height
'  PiSet - Sets the value of a given pixel
'  LoadImageAndData - Loads an existing image, along with extra
'                     data embedded in the file
'  SaveImage - Saves image, optionally as 16-bit, and/or embedding
'              extra data into the file

Option Explicit

Private m_nWidth As Long
Private m_nHeight As Long
Private m_nBMP() As Byte

Public Sub PiSet(x As Long, y As Long, R As Byte, G As Byte, B As Byte)

    If Not (x >= 0 And x < m_nWidth) Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Not (y >= 0 And y < m_nHeight) Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    m_nBMP(0, x, y) = B
    m_nBMP(1, x, y) = G
    m_nBMP(2, x, y) = R

End Sub

Public Sub LoadImageAndData(sFilename As String, _
   sExtraData As String, nExtraLen As Long)

    Dim nFN As Long
    Dim x As Long, y As Long
    Dim sTemp As String
    Dim nColor As Long
    Dim nPos As Long
    Dim nPadding As Long
    nFN = FreeFile
    Open sFilename For Binary As #nFN
    sTemp = Input(FileLen(sFilename), #nFN)
    Close #nFN
    m_nWidth = AscV(Mid(sTemp, 19, 4))
    m_nHeight = AscV(Mid(sTemp, 23, 4))
    nPadding = (AscV(Mid(sTemp, 35, 4)) / 3 / m_nHeight) - m_nWidth
    sExtraData = Mid(sTemp, 55, nExtraLen)
    nPos = AscV(Mid(sTemp, 11, 4)) + 1
    For y = m_nHeight - 1 To 0 Step -1
        For x = 0 To m_nWidth - 1
            For nColor = 0 To 2
                m_nBMP(nColor, x, y) = Asc(Mid(sTemp, nPos, 1))
                nPos = nPos + 1
        For x = 1 To nPadding
            nPos = nPos + 3

End Sub

Public Sub SaveImage(sFilename As String, Optional b16 As Boolean = _
   False, Optional sExtraData As String = "")

    Dim x As Long, y As Long
    Dim nColor As Long
    Dim sTemp As String
    Dim nPadding As Long
    Dim nPos As Long

    Do While ((m_nWidth + nPadding) * 3) / 4 <> _
             ((m_nWidth + nPadding) * 3) \ 4
        nPadding = nPadding + 1
    sTemp = "BM"                                 '1
    sTemp = sTemp & ChrV(0, 4) ' Size of file    '3
    sTemp = sTemp & ChrV(0, 4) ' Reserved        '7
    sTemp = sTemp & ChrV(0, 4) ' Offset to data  '11
    sTemp = sTemp & ChrV(40, 4) ' Size of structure '15
    sTemp = sTemp & ChrV(m_nWidth, 4) ' Width       '19
    sTemp = sTemp & ChrV(m_nHeight, 4) ' Height     '23
    sTemp = sTemp & ChrV(1, 2) ' Planes             '27
    sTemp = sTemp & ChrV(24, 2) ' Bitcount          '29
    sTemp = sTemp & ChrV(0, 4) ' Compression        '31
    sTemp = sTemp & ChrV(m_nHeight * (m_nWidth + nPadding) * 3, 4)
                               ' Size Image      '35
    sTemp = sTemp & ChrV(0, 4) ' XPels           '39
    sTemp = sTemp & ChrV(0, 4) ' YPels           '43
    sTemp = sTemp & ChrV(0, 4) ' ClrUsed         '47
    sTemp = sTemp & ChrV(0, 4) ' ClrImportant    '51
    If sExtraData <> "" Then
        sTemp = sTemp & sExtraData
    End If
    Mid(sTemp, 11, 4) = ChrV(Len(sTemp), 4) ' Offset to Data
    nPos = Len(sTemp) + 1
    sTemp = sTemp & String(m_nHeight * (m_nWidth + nPadding) * 3, Chr(0))
    If b16 Then
        For y = m_nHeight - 1 To 0 Step -1
            For x = 0 To m_nWidth - 1
                For nColor = 0 To 2
                    Mid(sTemp, nPos, 1) = Chr(RC(m_nBMP(nColor, x, y)))
                    nPos = nPos + 1
            For x = 1 To nPadding
                nPos = nPos + 3
        For y = m_nHeight - 1 To 0 Step -1
            For x = 0 To m_nWidth - 1
                For nColor = 0 To 2
                    Mid(sTemp, nPos, 1) = Chr(m_nBMP(nColor, x, y))
                    nPos = nPos + 1
            For x = 1 To nPadding
                nPos = nPos + 3
    End If
    Mid(sTemp, 3, 4) = ChrV(Len(sTemp), 4) 'Size of File
    If Dir(sFilename) <> "" Then
        Kill sFilename
    End If
    Dim nFN As Byte
    nFN = FreeFile
    Open sFilename For Output As #nFN
    Print #nFN, sTemp;
    Close #nFN

End Sub

Private Function ChrV(ByVal nNum As Long, nBytes As Long) As String

    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To nBytes
        ChrV = ChrV & Chr(nNum And &HFF&)
        nNum = nNum \ &H100&

End Function

Private Function AscV(ByVal sString As String) As Long

    Do Until Len(sString) = 0
        AscV = AscV * &H100&
        AscV = AscV + Asc(Right(sString, 1))
        sString = Mid(sString, 1, Len(sString) - 1)

End Function

Public Property Let Height(nNewHeight As Long)
    m_nHeight = nNewHeight
End Property

Public Property Get Height() As Long
    Height = m_nHeight
End Property

Public Property Let Width(nNewWidth As Long)
    m_nWidth = nNewWidth
End Property

Public Property Get Width() As Long
    Width = m_nWidth
End Property

Private Sub SetupBuffer()

    If m_nWidth = 0 Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If m_nHeight = 0 Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ReDim m_nBMP(0 To 3, 0 To m_nWidth - 1, 0 To m_nHeight - 1)
End Sub

Private Function RC(nColor As Byte) As Byte
    Static nWhole As Byte
    Static nPart As Byte
    nWhole = nColor And &HF8&
    nPart = nColor And &H7&
    RC = nWhole + IIf(Rnd < (nPart / 8), IIf(nWhole = 248, 7, 8), 0)

End Function

Sample Usage:
    Dim BMP As clsBMP
    Dim x As Long
    Dim y As Long
    Set BMP = New clsBMP
    BMP.Width = 255
    BMP.Height = 255
    For x = 0 To 255
        For y = 0 To 255
            BMP.PiSet x, y, CByte(x), 0, CByte(y)
    BMP.SaveImage "c:\windows\desktop\test.bmp", True