Our Movie Reviews World Is Not Enough, The
Release Year: 1999
Average Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: July 11, 2000 (by Michelle)
(DVD version)

Scott's Review:
2 out of 5 stars on June 25, 2000

For me, this seemed exactly like every other Bond movie, with one important difference, it tried to have a plot. Perhaps I've just gotten used to the recent crop of shoddy bond flicks, that all seem to rely more on special effects than any sort of plot, but this one caught me off guard. I got the feeling it had a rather complex story, or at the least, a story that kept trying to point out how complex it was. It, however, came across as a jumbled mess, with lots of cool special effects to fill in the blanks. It's fun to watch, and wonder about the non-bond technology, in this case racecars for running inside pipes, and gigantic saws attached to helicopters. Things that look like they might be real, but you suspect they aren't. Other than the special effects though, I felt this movie fell rather short, with it's overly convoluted, yet under explained plot running in the background.
Michelle's Review:
2 out of 5 stars on July 11, 2000

I like Bond films. Well, some of them anyway. And I like Pierce Bronson as Bond. I didn't care much for Goldeneye, but I loved the 2nd one (whatever it was called), but "The World is Not Enough", didn't do a whole lot for me. The tricky part is though, that i'm not sure exactly what it is about the movie that I didn't like. I guess it was the convoluted plot. I had a hard time following it. Not that the plot is the most important part of a Bond movie, of course it's more about the gadgets, and his ultimate coolness in practically any situation, but still, this movie fell short for me. There were some decent sequences, but that's really all this movie was, a couple decent sequences. The rest of it just sort of left me feeling kind of left out of the picture. I like movies that pull me in to them, where I forget i'm watching a movie so to speak, but this movie didn't do that to me, I actually found myself trying more just to stay awake.
-- Scott and Michelle