Our Movie Reviews For Love of the Game
Release Year: 1999
Average Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: July 1, 2000 (by Michelle)
(DVD version)

Michelle's Review:
3 out of 5 stars on July 1, 2000

Okay, so what is this, the 3rd baseball movie Kevin Costner has made? Not that I'm complaining, I love baseball, and I love all the baseball movies he has made. Including this one. Kevin Costner plays a veteran pitcher for the Detroit Tigers. A team he has played for his entire career. He is aging however, and his team has threatened to trade him at the end of this season. Plus, his girlfriend just left him. The entire movie is based around one baseball game. One that has him having flashbacks throughout his relationship with his girlfriend/wife (I don't remember what she was right now) and while this is happening he needs to decide if it will be his last game or not. The movie is done well, and I enjoyed the way it was put together. Though, one scene near the beginning with him and his girlfriend (played by Kelly Preston) is over the top sappy and acted really badly, but otherwise the movie really hit a home run with me. (how's that for a critic quote? ;-)

He and his wife have broken up at the beginning of the movie. and as the movie goes on, Kevin Costner's character has flashbacks through out his pitching in this one game. Flashbacks of his love life with his wife, and flashbacks of his career as a baseball player. Okay, I'm a girl, I admit it, so I liked the sappy love stuff, and I love baseball too so the movie hit home in all the right places for me, It may be a bit melodramatic, but it's still a good movie. Though, I would probably suggest you rent "Field of Dreams" if you were to ask me which of the baseball movies Kevin Costner has made is the best. But For Love of the Game certainly is not a bad movie.

-- Scott and Michelle