Our Movie Reviews Long Night of Centauri Prime, The
Author: Peter David
Average Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Last Reviewed On: March 10, 2002 (by Scott)

Scott's Review:
4 out of 5 stars on March 10, 2002

So far of the Babylon 5 books, this is the one that I enjoyed the most.

This book takes place near the end of the Babylon 5 series, and actually involves a few events that take place on the show. It shows the Drakh's rise to power through controlling Londo. The opening scene is really the most interesting, as it walks you through one of the pivotal scenes that take place during Babylon 5, and gives you a fresh insight into exactly what was going through Londo's head.

The rest of the book really serves to fill in the details of the downfall of Londo, and how it happens. My only real gripe is the introduction of the techno mages. As much as I might want to like these people, it's hard to enjoy them, when, like in this book, they're so often brought in seemingly just to push the plot along when none of the other principals of the plot can do anything for themselves.

Gripe aside, from the perspective of a non-Babylon 5 fan, this is a good, griping book on it's own. From a fan's perspective, it really does flesh out a new area very well.

-- Scott and Michelle